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Creating The Perfect E-Commerce Website

When it comes to staying online, recent studies have shown that Canadians tend to spend more time on the Web than any other people. It is, therefore no surprise that most businesses have taken their business online. In most cases, this is done with the help of eCommerce websites. Creating The Perfect E-Commerce Website may seem to be a piece of cake, but in reality, it is something that should be carefully planned. After all, any glitch along the way can turn off your prospective client leaving you tons of abandoned carts.


What to Watch Out For

1. Speed

While the design is of primary importance in coming up with a Perfect E-Commerce Website, it should be something that should not keep your website from loading fast. This means you would have to do away with the flash animation and images that are too big. Two words for this – thumbnail and Lightroom. Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture your client’s attention. If you use up that time having your client wait for an image to load, they would end up jumping to another website.


2. Complete the Information

Since your prospective clients would most likely have no time to call your hotline or chat with your salespeople, you have to make sure that your site contains all the information that they might need. This would include product description, availability of the product, returns policy, shipping and payment policy, and even confidentiality of their information. Keep your terms simple and straightforward. No need to inundate them with things not related to their purchase.


3. Payment Gateway

With more than a handful of payment gateways available in the market, you would think that finding the one for your needs would be a breeze. This is not always the case, however; so you need to make sure that you read the terms set by the Canadian merchant account provider. Some of the things that you would need to pay particular attention to would be the hidden fees, the contract term, and the penalty if ever you cancel your contract earlier than its intended end date. When it comes to the hidden fees, make sure you ask about the interchange and rate fluctuations. It is also a good idea to check if they have redundancy procedures in place should there be breaches in their system.


4. Checkout System

Not many business owners are aware but your checkout page could actually make or break your business. If it is too lengthy, you might bore your client. If it does not have a means for your client to edit their shopping cart, you could end up with a number of abandoned carts. The same is also true if your page is unclear about how much the client has to pay and what payment methods you are accepting. On the other hand, you can also make use of the checkout page in order to provide your clients with other products related to what they intend to purchase. This allows you to offer also those items that tend to be slow moving.


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