A poorly managed ad campaign is an advertiser’s night mare. In fact any poorly managed system is going to get you negative results, bad publicity and huge losses. There are a lot of online marketing service providers out there in the open market, a lot of them are good at what they promise. But none of them provides an as effective way to manage your ad campaign as Facebook provides. With Facebook you can fine tune and manage your advertisements to the most intricate and fine levels of detail. It must be noted that even though these changes might be small but they can have exponentially positive effects on your ad campaign as a whole. So let’s start by listing various ways in which you can manage your advertisements more effectively on Facebook.
Facebook ads manager:
Ads manager is the starting hub for managing your Facebook ads campaign. It provides an array of different functionalities in a very easy to understand graphical user interface system. With the Facebook ads manager you can add new ads to your campaign, delete old ones, change their schedule, arrange them in a cycle, change your bidding system and pause or restart your ads at any given time. Facebook ads manager is as powerful as it is easy to understand, it can easily manage any number of ads. You won’t have any problem using Facebook ads manager even if you are running thousands of advertisements on a single ad campaign. If you are an online marketing services provider, you can also make multiple ad campaigns on the ads manager.
Facebook ads analytics:
Facebook ads analytics is the single most powerful tool when it comes to reviewing your advertisements in real time. It can present to you all sort of different information, for example how your ads are performing, which ads are performing better than others, how many clicks your ads received, what is your reach, what is your targeted audience, what is your social reach, all these questions can be easily answered pretty quickly by just a simple glance at the Facebook ads analytics. It has the ability to present the information in various forms like tabular form, graphical forms and a fully fledged report.
Billing manager:
As the name suggests, this tool is used to manage your finances related to your online marketing campaign on Facebook ads. It provides all the billing related information in a very professional manner. Every important information like how much have you spent, how much do you have left in your account, what is your daily spending limit and the mode of payment is presented in a tabular fashion by Facebook billing manager. You can even generate real time invoices with up to date financial information on your spending.
API support:
This is for those who think that existing managing features of Facebook ads are not enough for them; with Facebook Ads API they can make custom tools for themselves, designed specially for serving their needs of online marketing management. With such tools they can even manage ads which are not under the Facebook ads domain.